▪️Building the thing

Draw the pipes on paper, this helps, a lot. Before writing to the outfile, make sure you read from the correct end of the correct pipe.

Here I'll give you some checklist on what you have to do to achieve this project. All the code for my pipex is available on my Github, if you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me (Simon), it'll be a pleasure to help you.

Main checklist

When using here_doc, the second argument is not a command ;)

Execute checklist

Remember that the execve() function needs the path to a binary file as parameter, so you'll have to find where the commands binaries are stored on your computer. Before going further, you have to know how to find any command binary.

I know this is pretty small, but you have the information you need, you have to search and try things by yourself or else you won't learn anything.

Last updated